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Palm Sugar

Palm sugar is derived from any variety of palm tree and it’s often used in Asian, Middle Eastern and North African cooking.



Palm sugar is produced from the sap of palm trees (primarily date, sago, palmyra and coconut palms) that is boiled down to a thick mass, then left to cool and harden. The result is an unrefined sugar with hints of caramel flavour that is usually less sweet than cane sugar. The longer the sap is cooked, the darker and richer the sugar becomes. Palm sugars can range in colour (from pale brown to almost black) and texture (soft and crumbly to hard) depending on how it has been processed.

Palm sugar can be bought in either liquid or solid form, and it can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. In addition to its use in cooking, palm sugar is also believed to have medicinal properties and is sometimes used as a natural sweetener in Ayurvedic medicine. While palm sugar does have some health benefits, it is important to remember that it is still a form of sugar and should therefore be consumed in moderation.


Health benefits of palm sugar are minimal. As palm sugar is largely unrefined it can contain vitamins and trace minerals. Palm sugar is often sold as coconut sugar, which is often marketed as a “healthier” alternative to cane sugar, however they contain the same number of calories and carbohydrates – approximately 15 calories and four grams of carbohydrate per teaspoon. Coconut sugar has a lower GI (glycemic index) than regular sugar thanks to a fibre called inulin, which helps keep blood sugar levels consistent. Some suggest that as coconut sugar is around 70 percent sucrose with less fructose and glucose, it’s healthier but there’s little evidence to back up the claim. You’re better off reducing your sweetener intake than making expensive swaps.


Palm Sugar for Diabetes: Manufacturers of palm sugar often claim that it has a low glycemic index which means that consuming palm sugar will not cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. The Philippine Coconut Authority states that the glycemic index of coconut palm sugar is 35, which makes it a low glycemic index food. However, other authoritative sources, including the University of Sydney in Australia, put the glycemic index of coconut palm sugar at 54 which is the same as that of regular sugar. To be on the safe side, it would be wise to follow the recommendations of the ADA (American Diabetes Association). The organization states that people with diabetes can consume coconut palm sugar but they should treat it in the same manner as regular sugar.

Natural Unbleached Sweetener: Bone char is made by burning animal bones and it is often used in the refining process to remove organic and inorganic impurities. The bone char comes in contact with the sugar solution which is a concern to vegans and vegetarians. Additionally, there are other de-colorizing and de-ashing agents that may be used to bleach and refine sugar. The process of refining strips the unrefined sugar of a lot of its nutrients. Palm sugar is unrefined and so it contains a few vitamins and several minerals that would help to ensure that you meet your daily nutritional requirements. Most palm sugars contain potassium, nitrogen, phosphorous, iron and zinc. These minerals boost brain function and bolster the immune system.

Promotes Musculoskeletal Health: Palm sugar, especially coconut palm sugar contains a modest amount of potassium. 1 teaspoon of coconut palm sugar provides 1 percent of a person’s daily requirement for potassium. The average American consumes a whopping 22 teaspoons of sugar a day which means that if an individual switched to coconut palm sugar, he would be able to meet 22 percent of his potassium requirement through palm sugar alone! 22 spoons of sugar are obviously extremely unhealthy but if you substitute your regular sugar for coconut palm sugar in your tea and other daily beverages, you would be able to meet between 5-10 percent of your potassium requirements. Potassium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in the health and maintenance of bone and muscle tissue.


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