Cat Chu Mango - Fresh

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  • Yellow Mango Cat Chu

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Made in: VietNam

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Chu Mango has delicious taste, strong flavor and sweetness with high nutritional value: Protein, Sugar, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, Fiber… These are all essential nutrients for health which help preventing cancer, diabetes, disease cardiovascular, high blood pressure, cerebral ischemia, memory improvement, skin beauty.
Product information

Yellow Mango Cat Chu

Cat Chu mango is a source of vitamin A, a natural antioxidant. Vitamin A is also known for its role in enhancing vision, preventing night blindness, dry eyes, macular degeneration, astigmatism, itching, and eye irritation, which can be alleviated by regularly consuming mangoes.

  1. Water: Up to 85% of the weight of cat chu mango is water. Mangoes provide an abundant water supply, helping maintain the body’s water balance.
  2. Carbohydrates: Mangoes primarily contain fructose and glucose, providing energy for the body. 100g of mango provides about 15g of carbohydrates.
  3. Dietary Fiber: Cat chu mango provides a generous amount of dietary fiber, approximately 2-3g per 100g, promoting digestive health.
  4. Vitamin C: Cat chu mango is one of the richest sources of vitamin C among fruits. 100g of mango provides about 50mg of vitamin C, exceeding daily requirements.
  5. Vitamin A: Cat chu mango contains beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, beneficial for vision and overall health.
  6. Potassium: Mangoes are an excellent source of potassium, providing about 150mg of potassium per 100g.
  7. Trace Minerals: Mangoes contain small amounts of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, and others.
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