How to use NiQuitin Clear
Always use this medicine exactly as described in this leaflet or asyour doctor or pharmacist has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. It is important thatyou stop smoking completely when you stop smoking with the aid of NiQuitinClear patches. No other nicotine products, e.g. nicotine chewing gum, must beused at the same time as the patches.
For smokers whosmoke more than 10 cigarettes a day it is recommended that the following dosingschedule be observed:
Dose Duration
Step 1 NiQuitinClear 21 mg/24 hours 1 patch everyday for the first 6 weeks, then
Step 2 NiQuitinClear 14 mg/24 hours 1 patch everyday for the next 2 weeks, then
Step 3 NiQuitinClear 7 mg/24 hours 1 patch every day for the last 2 weeks.
Light smokers(those smoking fewer than 10 cigarettes a day) are advised to observe thefollowing dosing schedule:
Dose Duration
Step 2 NiQuitinClear 14 mg/24 hours 1 patch everyday for the first 6 weeks, then
Step 3 NiQuitinClear 7 mg/24 hours 1 patch every day for the last 2 weeks.
Patients using NiQuitin Clear 21 mg whoexperience excessive side effects that do not resolve within a few days shouldtransfer to the following dosing schedule:
Dose Duration
Step 2 NiQuitinClear 14 mg/24 hours 1 patch everyday for the rest of the first 6 weeks, then
Step 3 NiQuitinClear 7 mg/24 hours 1 patch every day for the last 2 weeks.
Consult a doctor if the symptoms persist.
Instructions for use
· NiQuitinClear patches should be affixed once a day.
· AffixNiQuitin Clear patches at the same time each day, preferably soon after waking,to a clean, dry, hairless area of skin. Avoid areas with skinfolds (such asover a joint) or when he skin creases when you move.
· Do notaffix NiQuitin Clear patches to areas of skin that are red, irritated ordamaged.
· NiQuitinClear patches should be worn continuously, for 24 hours. If desired, patchescan be removed before going to sleep. However, 24-hour use is recommended foroptimum effect against the urge to smoke in the morning.
· Apatch should not be worn for longer than 24 hours.
· After24 hours the used patch should be removed and a new patch affixed to adifferent area of skin.
· Whenyou have removed a patch, fold it in half with the adhesive side inwards andplace it in the empty sachet of the patch that is to be newly applied. Disposeof the sachet with the used patch inside with care, keep out of the reach ofchildren.
· Anarea of skin used for a patch should not be used again for a new patch for atleast seven days.
· Do notuse several patches at the same time.
How do you affix NiQuitin Clear?
· TheNiQuitin Clear patch should be affixed immediately after opening the sachet.
· Cutthe sachet open along the dotted line or fold the sachet over this line andtear it open, being careful not to damage the patch.
· Carefullyremove the patch from the sachet. A transparent protective layer covers the adhesiveside of the patch – the side that will be put on your
· Remove one half of the protective layer from the middle, with the adhesive layerfacing you. Hold the patch by the outermost edge (touching the adhesive layeras little as possible) and remove the other half of the protective layer.
· Applythe adhesive layer of the NiQuitin Clear patch straightaway to your skin. Pressthe patch firmly to your skin with the palm of your hand for at least 10seconds. Ensure that the patch sticks to the skin well, particularly along theedges.
· Alwayswash your hands just with water after you have affixed the NiQuitin Clearpatch. (Soap can increase the absorption of nicotine).
If used correctly,water is not harmful to NiQuitin Clear patches. You can bathe, swim or showerfor short periods whilst using NiQuitin Clear patches.
For how long may you useNiQuitin Clear?
· Foroptimum results the full 10-week course of treatment (8 weeks for light smokersor patients using a lower strength, as described above) should be completed.
· Thetreatment should not last for longer than 10 consecutive weeks.
· NiQuitinClear users who do not succeed in quitting or who resume smoking can howeverstart a new course of treatment at a later date.
What does NiQuitin® CLEAR contain?