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We source from multiple geographical regions to provide our end-user customers with a reliable and secure supply chain.

We can offer you a wide variety of food-grade NON-GMO Soybeans, depending on customer preferences. We work with suppliers has the highest industry standards and we can have the product shipped in bulk or bags.
We select regions with a shared focus on market niche and value-added opportunities, bringing you added synergy and support. With a long-term view to supplying the market, S.I.R Group continues to develop new products with enhanced health, nutrition, taste, and processing traits. This will ensure your relevance in the soy-food market now and in the future.


Non - GMO Soybeans

Soy (Glycine max) is an annual herbaceous plant in the legume family and is grown as an oilseed plant.

The soybean is a fast-growing herbaceous annual native to Asia that is currently grown worldwide. It is an erect leguminous plant, which grows up to a height of 1.3 m. Its taproot can extend to a depth of 2 m in good soil conditions, with secondary roots exploring the upper 15-20 cm of the soil. Roots bear nodules usually resulting from the presence of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. The leaves are trifoliate and the leaflets are oval to lanceolate, mostly broad in commercial cultivars. The flowers are papilionaceous and white, pink, purple or bluish in colour, with a 5 to 7 mm long corolla. The fruits consist of 2 or 3 pods containing yellow, rounded seeds with a hilum colour ranging from yellow to black. Soybean varieties bred for forage are late maturing and taller (90-130 cm high) than grain varieties.                                         

The majority of soybeans are processed into oil, but there is also a large volume of soybeans (Non-GMO) that are destined for food (tofu, miso) in various highly specialized markets. 

As more short-season varieties are developed, it becomes more important of soybeans grown for processing into oil and meal. 

One advantage of oilseed-type soybeans is the high protein levels encouraged by cooler climates. Plant researchers are building on this advantage by developing traits in tune with the evolving requirements of the food and feed industries.

Please contact us for more information and the availability of Non - GMO Soybean and Soybean Meal (SBM).

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