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We source from multiple geographical regions to provide our end-user customers with a reliable and secure supply chain.

We can offer you a wide variety of food-grade NON-GMO Soybeans, depending on customer preferences. We work with suppliers has the highest industry standards and we can have the product shipped in bulk or bags.

We select regions with a shared focus on market niche and value-added opportunities, bringing you added synergy and support. With a long-term view to supplying the market, S.I.R Group continues to develop new products with enhanced health, nutrition, taste, and processing traits. This will ensure your relevance in the soy-food market now and in the future.


Non - GMO Soybean Meal (SBM)                                                        

Soybean meal (SBM) is the main source of protein and amino acids (AA) used in animal feed formulations worldwide, particularly for monogastric species. Soybean is a source of high-quality vegetable protein, with a less variable chemical composition than other protein sources. However, due to its high inclusion rates (especially in poultry diets), any lack of uniformity in SBM will have more relevance than a variation in any of the other protein sources added to the formula.

It represents two-thirds of the total world output of protein feedstuffs, including all other major oil meals and fish meals. Its feeding value is unsurpassed by any other plant protein source and it is the standard to which other protein sources are compared. While it has been an accepted part of livestock and poultry diets, soybean feed production took off and then accelerated due to growing demand from developing countries. The expansion of aquaculture and prohibitions on the feed use of slaughterhouse by-products have also fueled the demand for this high-quality source of protein.

Soybean meal is the by-product of the extraction of soybean oil. Several processes exist, resulting in different products. Soybean meal is usually classified for marketing by its crude protein content. High-protein types are obtained from dehulled seeds and contain 47-49% protein and 3% crude fibre (as-fed basis). Other types of soybean meal include the hulls or part of the hulls and contain less than 47% protein and more than 6% crude fibre. In solvent-extracted soybean meals, the oil content is typically lower than 2% while it exceeds 3% in mechanically-extracted meals.


Please contact us for more information and the availability of Non - GMO Soybean and Soybean Meal (SBM).

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