Zeel® ad us. fat tablets, 100 tablets

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Art. no: 04133318 / 4047642008922

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Product information

Homeopathic medicine for rheumatic diseases in dogs, cats, horses, cattle and sheep.

active ingredients

  • 15 mg umbilical cord D6
  • 15 mg Cartilage suis D6
  • 40 mg Sulfur D6
  • 15mg Placenta suis D6
  • 10 mg Natrium diethyloxalaceticum D6
  • 10 mg Thioctic acid D6
  • 10 mg Coenzymum A D6
  • 10 mg Nadidum D6
  • 60 mg Arnica montana D4
  • 20 mg Symphytum officinale D8
  • 20 mg Solanum dulcamara D3
  • 30 mg Toxicodendron quercifolium D3
  • 30 mg Sanguinaria canadensis D4
  • 15 mg total embryo D6


  • Magnesium stearate


Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no indication of a therapeutic indication.

A veterinary examination should be carried out before use.

Use during pregnancy and lactation:
Like all medicines, homeopathic medicines should only be used during pregnancy and lactation after consulting a veterinarian.

Interactions: None known. If Zeel ad us. vet is to be used at the same time as another medicine, ask your veterinarian.

Side effects:
None known. Note: When treated with a homeopathic medicine, the existing symptoms can temporarily worsen (initial aggravation). In this case, you should stop taking the medicine and consult your veterinarian. If you notice any serious side effects, or any side effects in your pet that are not listed in the leaflet, tell your veterinarian or pharmacist.

Target species:
dogs and cats.

Dosage, method and duration of use:
Standard dosage: The daily dose is according to the animal species:

Large dog (over 25 kg): 2-3 times a day a single dose of 3 tablets

Medium dog (15-25 kg): 2-3 times a day a single dose of 2 tablets

Small dog (up to 15 kg), cat: 2-3 times a day a single dose of 1 tablet

Enter the tablets.

Initial/acute dosing:
In the case of acute symptoms, initially administer the indicated single dose every half to full hour over a period of up to 2 hours, then continue with the standard dosing.

Dosage for long-term treatment of chronic diseases:
For long-term treatment of chronic diseases, administer the single dose at intervals of 1 to 4 days.

Like all medicines, homeopathic medicines should not be given over a longer period of time without consulting a veterinarian.

Waiting time:
not applicable.

Manufacturer: Biological remedies Heel GmbH
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