If tough cough mucus has accumulated in the bronchi, for example with a cold, MUCOSOLVAN® Kindersaft helps to gently transport the secretion away and to cough it up effectively. At the same time, the cough syrup prevents the formation of new cough phlegm. The children's juice with a fruity wild berry flavor is well tolerated and can be taken from the age of 0 (under 2 years only on medical advice). Since the cough syrup contains neither sugar nor colorings nor alcohol, children with diabetes can also use MUCOSOLVAN® children's juice.
MUCOSOLVAN® children's juice helps against coughs in three ways: loosens, frees and protects. The active ingredient ambroxol loosens the stuck cough mucus and helps to remove it from the body and free the bronchi. The cough syrup also ensures that no new viscous cough phlegm forms in the bronchi.
Cough suppressant especially for children
Has your child got a sticky cough phlegm in the bronchi? MUCOSOLVAN® children's juice with wild berry flavor helps loosen the stubborn secretion from the mucous membranes and transport it out of the body. The active ingredient ambroxol liquefies the mucus and stimulates the movement of the cilia so that it can be transported out of the airways more easily.
MUCOSOLVAN® children's juice for coughs
Due to the expectorant and mucus-transporting effect, MUCOSOLVAN® children's juice works against the mucus that has settled in the bronchi and lungs. In addition, the active ingredient ambroxol reduces the formation of new secretions. The liquid consistency of the juice helps soothe the urge to cough in your throat immediately after ingestion.
Application and dosage
Due to the good tolerability of MUCOSOLVAN® children's juice, the preparation is already suitable for small children. Children under 2 years of age are given 1.25 ml of the solution twice a day, which corresponds to 15 mg of the active substance ambroxol, as directed by a doctor. The enclosed measuring cup is used for dosing. This should be rinsed out with warm water after each intake. Children aged 2 to 5 years are given 1.25 ml three times a day. In children aged 6 to 12 years the dose can be increased to 2.5 ml two to three times a day.
Adolescents over the age of 12 can also use MUCOSOLVAN® children's juice to treat acute coughs with mucus formation. As a rule, they should take 5 ml three times a day. This corresponds to an ambroxol amount of 90 mg. For particularly stubborn phlegm, the dose can be increased to 10 ml twice a day, which is the maximum recommended daily amount of 120 mg Ambroxol. It can be taken with or without meals. Self-medication should not last longer than five days.
Please contact your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about the effect and dosage. Further information on side effects, precautions and storage are listed in the package leaflet.
Mandatory text:
Mucosolvan® children's juice 30 mg/5ml. Active ingredient: ambroxol hydrochloride. Area of application : For the mucolytic treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs with viscous mucus. Warning: Contains sorbitol, benzoic acid and propylene glycol. Pharmacy only.
For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
A.Nattermann & Cie. GmbH , Brüningstrasse 50, 65929 Frankfurt am Main.
Status : July 2022
Ingredient Active ingredients: 30 mg ambroxol hydrochloride excipients Flavorings, natural, nature-identical 8.5 mg benzoic acid water, purified Hyetellosis acesulfame potassium 12.5 mg propylene glycol Sorbitol 70 Glycerol 85%